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Ableism is the discrimination of and social prejudice against people with disabilities based on the belief that typical abilities are superior.


People with disabilities consist of the nations largest minority group and yet there is still discrimiation against those with disabilities. Shown in the chart below, over a quarter of the United States population is disabled. Yet, there is remarkable employment gaps for the disabled and large gaps in recreational accessibility. 


Ableism has perpetuated these hardships onto the disabled through creating a negative view of them in society. Bonnie Lewkowicz, cofounder of BORP (Bay Area Outreach Program) has focused her time at BORP "to bridge the information barrier that is hugely overlooked resulting in the repetition of abelism through generations," said Lewkowicz." At BORP, we believe that sports and recreation provide a path to greater achievement to which all people should have access, and we continually strive to make this a reality," she said.

Infographic by Carly Williams
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